2016-03-10 发布:[bob体官网入口] 点击:104次
1、 吴怀春, Wu, H. C., Zhang, S. H., Hinnov, L. A., Jiang, G. Q., Feng, Q. L., Li, H. Y. and Yang, T. S.. Time-calibrated Milankovitch cycles for the late Permian. Nature Communications, 2013 ,4(): [IF=10.015] |
2、 吴怀春, H. C. Wu, S. H. Zhang, Q. L. Feng, G. G. Jiang, H. Y. Li and T. S. Yang. Milankovitch and sub-Milankovitch cycles of the early Triassic Daye Formation, South China and their geochronological and paleoclimatic implications. Gondwana Research, 2012 ,22(2): 748-759 [IF=6.659] |
3、 陈军, Chen, J., Quan, W. T., Cui, T. W., Song, Q. J. and Lin, C. S.. Remote sensing of absorption and scattering coefficient using neural network model: Development, validation, and application. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014, 149(): 213-226 [IF=4.769] |
4、 陈军, Chen, J., Cui, T. W., Tang, J. W. and Song, Q. J.. Remote sensing of diffuse attenuation coefficient using MODIS imagery of turbid coastal waters: A case study in Bohai Sea. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014, 140(): 78-93 [IF=4.769] |
5、 陈军, Chen, J., Cui, T. W., Ishizaka, J. and Lin, C. S.. A neural network model for remote sensing of diffuse attenuation coefficient in global oceanic and coastal waters: Exemplifying the applicability of the model to the coastal regions in Eastern China Seas. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014, 148(): 168-177 [IF=4.769] |
6、 关翔宇, Guan, X. Y., Wang, J. F., Zhao, H., Wang, J. J., Luo, X. M., Liu, F. and Zhao, F. Q.. Soil bacterial communities shaped by geochemical factors and land use in a less-explored area, Tibetan Plateau. Bmc Genomics, 2013 ,14(): [IF=4.397] |
7、 徐秀丽, Xu, X. L., Yin, L. Y., Gao, L. J., Gao, J. H., Chen, J. H., Li, J. X. and Song, F. H.. Two New Bromophenols with Radical Scavenging Activity from Marine Red Alga Symphyocladia latiuscula. Marine Drugs, 2013 ,11(3): 842-847 [IF=3.978] |
8、 吴怀春, H. C. Wu, S. H. Zhang, G. Q. Jiang and Q. H. Huang.The floating astronomical time scale for the terrestrial Late Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation from the Songliao Basin of Northeast China and its stratigraphic and paleoclimate implications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,2009, 278( 3-4): 308-323 [IF=3.955] |
9、 陈军, Chen, J., Quan, W. T., Yao, G. Q. and Cui, T. W.. Retrieval of absorption and backscattering coefficients from HJ-1A/CCD imagery in coastal waters. Optics Express, 2013 ,21(5): 5803-5821 [IF=3.546] |
12、 陈军, Chen, J., Cui, T. W. and Lin, C. S.. An Improved SWIR Atmospheric Correction Model: A Cross-Calibration-Based Model. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2014, 52(7): 3959-3967 [IF=2.933] |
13、 陈军, Chen, J., Cui, T. W., Qiu, Z. F. and Lin, C. S.. A three-band semi-analytical model for deriving total suspended sediment concentration from HJ-1A/CCD data in turbid coastal waters. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2014, 93(): 1-13 [IF=2.902] |
14、 陈军, Chen, J., Cui, T. W., Qiu, Z. F. and Lin, C. S.. A simple two-band semi-analytical model for retrieval of specific absorption coefficients in coastal waters. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2014, 91(): 85-97 [IF=2.902] |
15、 陈军, Chen, J., Zhang, M. W., Cui, T. W. and Wen, Z. H.. A Review of Some Important Technical Problems in Respect of Satellite Remote Sensing of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Coastal Waters. Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2013 ,6(5): 2275-2289 [IF=2.874] |
16、 陈军, Chen, J., Quan, W. T., Zhang, M. W. and Cui, T. W.. A Simple Atmospheric Correction Algorithm for MODIS in Shallow Turbid Waters: A Case Study in Taihu Lake. Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2013 ,6(4): 1825-1833 [IF=2.874] |
17、 关翔宇, Guan, X. Y., Xie, Y. X., Wang, J. F., Wang, J. and Liu, F.. Electron donors and co-contaminants affect microbial community composition and activity in perchlorate degradation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(8): 6057-6067 [IF=2.828] |
18、 陈军, Chen, J., Cui, T. W., Qiu, Z. F. and Lin, C. S.. A Split-Window Model for Deriving Total Suspended Sediment Matter From MODIS Data in the Bohai Sea. Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2014, 7(6): 2611-2618 [IF=2.827] |
19、 姜正龙, Jiang, Z. L., Du, H. L., Li, Y. J., Zhang, Y. F. and Huang, Y. P.. Simulation of Gas Generation from the Paleogene Enping Formation in the Baiyun Sag in the Deepwater Area of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, the South China Sea. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(2): 577-586 [IF=2.79] |
20、 吴怀春, Wu, H. C., Zhang, S. H., Jiang, G. Q., Yang, T. S., Guo, J. H. and Li, H. Y.. Astrochronology for the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota in northeastern China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 2013 ,385(): 221-228 [IF=2.745] |